We lead instead of follow

Storage24 builds and rents XXL self-storage warehouses, XXL garages storage-office combinations,
but is that all? No, the idea behind Storage24 is much bigger. It's about providing the right space for your projects.
As flexible and simple as possible for you.

Storage24 is a Pioneer

Back in 2015, two brothers Markus and Matthias Sattler, who were only 25 and 26 at the time, built their first garage park in NRW. There were already parks, but they wanted to do it differently, better. The Storage24 parks were supposed to give tenants more flexibility. No long contract terms, instead more freedom for your projects. This includes ideal accessibility, large entrance gates for cars and vans, 24/7 access and the idea of customising the storage areas and garages within the scope of possibilities.

Satisfied tenants movtivated to think bigger

This concept paid off: The warehouses and garages were in demand all over Germany and it quickly became clear that more was possible. So the idea to expand was born, starting in Norway. The demand was high. Austria followed, along with France and Denmark. And since standing still means going backwards, our goal is to continue to 

“The right space for your projects” ends where?

Good question. Storage24 is now the European market leader for XXL storage and XXL garages. The management has been expanded and the team is constantly growing. New parks are being added. But is that all? No, we are learning every day. And just as times change, so do the customers' expectations. We are prepared for this and are constantly developing new solutions

Developing talents

How did we become european market leader?
Simply through unique employees, top service and excellent products.

Better together

Where would we be without our employees? Commitment, talent and creativity are the essential basis for succes. Respect and recognitation motivate. We work in teams and have an open communication culture.


With culture and values

Storage24 is an international company with colleagues from all over the world. And you don't even have to be from the same field. Thanks to the diversity, motivation and passion of our employees, we are constantly learning and developing. Agility, result-orientation and free creative freedom drive us to become better and better. Mistakes are there to be learned from. We offer our employees modern workplaces, joint team events and convenient accessibility by train, car or bike. Become a part of us. Leave your mark.

Ich komme aus der Modebranche und bin als Quereinsteigerin bei Storage24 im Verkauf angekommen. Hier habe ich einen Platz gefunden, an dem stetige Entwicklung und das Streben nach vorne, sowohl im Unternehmen als auch bei den Mitarbeitern, an erster Stelle stehen. Ich bin froh ein aktiver Teil sein zu können.

Customer Service Manager / DE Rental

Ich arbeite gerne in engagierten und kompetenten Teams, die Vollgas geben und die geleistete Arbeit wertschätzen.
Inzwischen bin ich Expansionsmanagerin und betreue mein eigenes Gebiet. Angefangen hatte ich dort als Teamassistentin. Es motiviert mich zu sehen, wie meine Arbeit und die der anderen das Unternehmen voranbringt. Diese Erfolge zu feiern und beim Biken, Minigolfen oder bei gemütlichen Grillabenden Zeit zu verbringen, macht Spaß.

Expansionsmanagerin / DE Expansion
Ich bin bei Storage24 dafür verantwortlich, dass wir immer mehr Kunden attraktive und multifunktionale Flächen für ihre Bedürfnisse anbieten können. Dies gelingt uns durch die internationale Grundstücksakquise und eine schnelle Ankaufsprüfung. Mein Ziel ist es, Unternehmen und privaten Personen nachhaltig bei ihren Platzproblemen helfen zu können.
Head of Expansion / DE Expansion
Ich studiere Mathematik im Master. Bei Storage24 habe ich die Möglichkeit mein Wissen anzuwenden und auch schon während des Studiums Verantwortung für anspruchsvolle Projekte zu übernehmen.
IT Specialist / DE Product & IT

Life is short. Work somewhere awesome!

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