Tidying up with a system - the KonMari method

Tidying up with a system - the KonMari method

A tidy home is not only aesthetically pleasing but also has a positive impact on our well-being and productivity. When we are in a clean and organized environment, we feel more relaxed, can focus better, and are able to efficiently accomplish our daily tasks. Marie Kondo, the internationally renowned decluttering expert and author, has developed a unique method to make decluttering a satisfying and sustainable process. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at her 10 valuable tips to help you declutter your home perfectly and create a harmonious environment.


Why a tidy home is important:

  1. Increased productivity: In a tidy environment, we can focus better and are less distracted. By removing unnecessary clutter, we create space for creativity and focus, which boosts our productivity.

  2. Reduced stress: Clutter and chaos in our home can lead to feelings of overwhelm and unrest. On the other hand, a tidy space creates a calming atmosphere and helps alleviate stress.

  3. Better organization: When everything has its place and is easily accessible, we save valuable time searching for things. An organized environment allows us to manage our belongings more efficiently and lead a structured life.

  4. Improved mental clarity: Our external environment often reflects our internal state. By decluttering, we not only create physical space but also promote mental clarity and make room for positive energy.

Start with a clear vision and choose categories 

Before embarking on decluttering, it's important to have a clear vision of your ideal home. Imagine how you want to feel in that space and what kind of atmosphere you want to create. Visualize your goal and let this vision guide you throughout the decluttering process.

Marie Kondo suggests organizing decluttering by categories rather than focusing on specific rooms. Start with a category, such as clothing, and then proceed to books, papers, household items, and sentimental items. This method helps you adopt a holistic approach and ensures that you don't overlook any areas.


Choose what sparks joy

A core principle of the KonMari method is to keep only the items that spark joy. Hold each item in your hands and ask yourself, "Does this item bring me happiness?" If the answer is "Yes," keep it. If not, thank it for its service and let it go. During the decluttering process, it's important to maintain an attitude of gratitude. Marie Kondo recommends expressing gratitude to each item you let go of before parting with it. This helps you develop a positive attitude towards letting go and creates space for new and more meaningful things in your life.

Letting go of sentimental items can be particularly challenging. Marie Kondo advises addressing this category last and consciously choosing which memories truly matter to you. Consider whether you actually need the items or if there are other ways to preserve the memories, such as through photography or creating a memory album.


Create storage solutions and make up a plan

Before you begin decluttering, ensure that you have sufficient storage options. Invest in practical storage solutions such as baskets, boxes, shelves, or consider renting storage units to neatly organize your remaining items and make efficient use of living space. Decluttering the entire house all at once can be overwhelming. Break the process down into smaller steps and take your time with each category. This provides a better overview and allows you to recognize progress and stay motivated.
Make decluttering a shared activity with your family or housemates. Discuss the goals and benefits of a tidy home and support each other in the process. Decluttering together can also lead to deeper connections and harmonious living.


Maintain the new lifestyle:

Once you have decluttered your home, it's important to maintain a new lifestyle. Avoid excessive consumption and ensure that new items are consciously selected. Set regular tidying times to ensure that your order is maintained and doesn't accumulate again.

Decluttering using the Marie Kondo method offers a practical and sustainable way to create a tidy and harmonious home. Through a clear vision, categorical decluttering, joy as a selection criterion, gratitude, suitable storage solutions, and conscious handling of sentimental items, you can gain not only external benefits but also inner peace and clarity. Start decluttering today and experience the positive change it can bring to your life.


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